Contact Us

Legal Aid WA is the public face of the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia.

We are the largest provider of legal aid services in Western Australia, with around 300 lawyers and support staff in 9 offices covering Perth and regional WA.

Phone the Infoline on 1300 650 579 for free information about the law, to ask for copies of our resources, to ask about our services and to find out how we can help you. If you have a grant of aid with a lawyer at Legal Aid WA, you can call the Infoline if you need to speak with your lawyer.

The Infoline is open Monday - Friday from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm (Western Standard Time), except on public holidays.

Order Blurred Borders resources

Please download the order form below if you would like to get resources from the Blurred Borders project.

Blurred Borders Resource Order Form

You can also email to find out more about Blurred Borders, ask for a copy of the kit, or provide feedback on this resource.

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